24 Mar Every Good and Perfect Gift..
I have always been a worshiper.
Perhaps because the Evangelist who led me to Christ was such an ardent worshiper, I simply followed her lead when I gave my life to Christ.
Or maybe it’s something that was always buried somewhere deep within me.
Somehow, even before I knew Christ, my spirit seemed to long to worship, even though I didn’t quite recognize it at the time.
In fact, I remember getting thoroughly offended once, when as a non-Believer, I walked into a shop somewhere along Moi Avenue, and whoever was in charge of “ambiance” decided to play worship music.
As soon as I walked in, I recall, I began to feel a deep, deep desire for something – something so innate, I couldn’t even begin to express it.
My heart was melting.
So I began to wrestle.
“Why are these people foisting their religion on me,” I seethed. “This is a clear violation of my rights. Forcing their religious views on me.”
I was furious, wondering who I should report, and to whom, while all the time my very spirit was pleading, desperate for the Lord.
The devil is a liar.
Fast forward almost twenty years later, and as a newly converted Christian, the very thing I resisted so vigorously became my utmost joy. I would wake up faithfully in the wee hours of the morning, just to dance, sing and pour out my heart to the Lord.
My spirit had finally found it’s Maker, and was in utter heaven! Still is.
I remember this one time though, I woke up as usual, but as I prepared to make a pot of coffee, as was my custom, I distinctly heard the Lord speak.
“You won’t need that.”
I couldn’t understand. What did He mean, I wouldn’t need it? Ama it wasn’t Him I’d heard?
So I went ahead, prepared the coffee, made my way to my prayer room and began.
I don’t know if this happens to you Brethren, but there’s a point during worship when I gradually begin to sense the presence of the Lord.
I’ve heard some call it the breakthrough moment – that sweet, sweet moment when flesh gives way to spirit and you distinctly begin to feel His manifest presence.
Well, depending on several factors, most of which I do not understand, this precious moment can take some time to arrive.
But that morning, as soon as I began to sing, the presence of the Lord swiftly surrounded me and I was lost in His glory within minutes.
Then I heard these words:
“Petition Me.”
Brethren. What do you do when the Lord God Almighty Himself says “Petition Me”?
I was overwhelmed, completely lost for words.
But then flesh began to speak.
“First of all,” I thought, “where in the Bible does it say I can petition the Lord?”
But sense prevailed and I began to search my heart for what I might request.
And at that moment, Brethren, I can assure you that jobs, houses, possessions, influence, wealth – whatever – none of them mattered. When I truly and deeply searched my heart, this is what I said:
“Lord, please bless my children.”
And after a few more minutes of prayer, I sensed the presence of the Lord lifting, releasing me to go back to sleep. So I took my half-finished coffee back to my room and sat in bed for a while, marvelling at what had just happened.
And sure enough, many years later, I can almost pinpoint what the Lord deposited in each of my children – perhaps that night, perhaps before, perhaps after.
And it is pure joy to watch.
Not to say that they are angels, Brethren. No, not by any long, long stretch of the imagination!
But if I look closely enough – very very closely – I can clearly see the Lord’s work in each of my children.
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights.. James 1:17
Judy Khanyola
Posted at 22:05h, 24 MarchThank you Paulie. You always bless me. Continue to worship Him my sister
Posted at 08:38h, 26 MarchAmen! Be blessed.
Eva Leparakuo
Posted at 02:58h, 25 MarchOh wow. I always look forward to reading your blog! So as i saw the mail pop in, excitement grew. And as always, you touch my heart. This is a bitter sweet topic for me. My heart longs for and loves worship. In fact i deeply long to lead people into worship by ushering in His presence. A deep longing that feels so so heavy. I however struggle to feel His presence. I have petitioned and prayed for him to take me to deeper waters. He has promised He will, through prophetic words and dreams of future acts to come, but its been a long dry journey. I know there is more. And that’s all i can chase. Sometimes i don’t chase and just rest, sometimes i try and just be, other times i sit in disappointment as i feel i just cant see Him, feel Him. But He is faithful, and He has promised me encounters, dreams and visions. That’s what i hold onto. The promises in His word and words spoken over me.
So some of us sit on the side line and enjoy the stories of those who have experienced His presence, this feeds our spirit on most days. It gives us so much hope on what is to come. On some days though, it feeds our sadness. A deep sadness of not encountering our dad. We get to choose what is fed. We must choose, for we cant stay in the sadness, comparison and disappointment pit. Thank you for sharing a piece of your heart each time. It feeds a piece of mine. Bless you beloved!
And as i wrote the above, the below scripture came to mind as i felt how blessed i am to have access to those who keep me hoping, dreaming and praying for me. Those who share their sacred moments with our amazing Father, so we may partake too:
Ephesians 5:19-21 Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
19 Encourage each other with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord. 20 Always give thanks to God the Father for everything in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Posted at 08:29h, 26 MarchWow. The deeper we seek Him, the deeper He takes us and I have a feeling He is preparing you for a Ministry that will astound us. I can’t wait to see it! Keep searching and seeking – His purpose for you is just around the corner!
Shiko Rachel
Posted at 03:47h, 26 MarchYou should write more often. You have much to share
Posted at 08:37h, 26 MarchNoted!