18 Mar Turn Ye Northward..
So here’s the story.
Moses and the Israelites have been wandering round the wilderness for 40 years.
Forty interminable years.
They have trudged from one place to another, these seemingly endless decades.
They have endured sand and more sand; rock and more rock; cacti and even more dry, worthless cacti.
They have lived through blistering hot days and long, cold, desert nights.
Traversed the length of the wilderness, and done a number of laps around the mountain.
Ancient memories have stoked their desires, while disillusionment – and perhaps just sheer tedium – have been their constant, nagging companion.
Let’s just say, dear reader, our good friends the Israelites have interacted, at length, with the consequences of their sin – that brazen disobedience in the early days of their journey
But now, the last of the elders have passed on; those men and women who had dared rise up against the Lord, at the place called Kadesh Barnea.
And now God, forever abounding in grace and mercy, has wasted no time in restoring His people back to Himself.
So this fine morning, He has commanded them thus;
Ye have compassed this mountain long enough;
Now, my children, turn ye Northward..
And at last, the sons of Jacob have made an about-turn, and faced the direction of their divinely-ordained purpose.
And will soon begin the final leg of their journey to the land of Canaan – that wonderful place, flowing with milk and honey.
The title of this article, Turn ye Northward, was inspired by the story of an amazing young man, my nephew, Lee.
After several years of alcohol abuse, Lee recently turned his life around, and walked away from the cruel, punishing lifestyle that comes with substance abuse.
He has now grabbed hold of God’s plan for his life and, at age 23, is sharing his story with much enthusiasm, inspiring other young people to live right.
Oh, what a merciful God we serve!
Now, I am by no means perfect for, as it is written, there is none righteous; no, not one.
But allow me to speak, if per chance you have found yourself in the following situation:
You were, at one point, enticed by our arch-enemy, that wily old serpent, the devil;
And you fell into that age-old sin – willful disobedience of the Lord our God.
You have since tried and tried but are stuck in your sin; alcohol, drugs, illicit sex.
Or perhaps just blatant rejection of the Lord’s plan for your life.
Whatever the case, dear friend, you have continued to pay the price of that terrible deceit.
And it feels like the enemy’s hands are wrapped tightly around your neck, his wiry fingers choking the life out of you.
But now, good reader, can you hear the Lord calling?
Can you hear Him speaking to you, beloved child?
Loving you; caring for you; waiting patiently for you to run into His loving embrace?
If so, my friend, do an about-turn right now, and turn ye Northward.
Turn ye Northward now, my friend..
Article Title and Message Courtesy Lee Mugo. Here’s a wonderful snippet of his story.. Lee, Before it all Started
Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13 (NIV)
And the Lord spake unto me, saying, Ye have compassed this mountain long enough: turn you northward. Deuteronomy 2: 2-3 (KJV)
Kate Tongoi
Posted at 17:42h, 18 MarchAmazing how you’ve weaved the movement from the mountain to a new territory with the departure we must make from our sinful state to the newness (Canaan-ess) that only Christ can provide.
Praise God for changing your spiritual vision to enable you have insights such as this. Change is scary sometimes but when God says it’s time to go, it’s time to go.
Kenneth Mutiga
Posted at 15:53h, 26 MarchQuite an uplifting piece especially when you talk about your nephew.
Kenneth Mutiga
Posted at 15:55h, 26 MarchQuite an uplifting article especially when you talked about your nephew.
Posted at 18:49h, 13 AprilRecently, a friend referred to “one’s true north” in a conversation, I wondered what that meant,…I’m glad I’ve come across this article today, ’tis timely…Thanks Paulie Mugo, God bless you abundantly.